Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

Completion of WSUS

Hi at all,

sorry that it took so long time for the next post, but I was busy because of learning for my certification for MCTS Windows 7 Configuring, which I've completed successfully.
So there was the problem of handling the mobile wsus clients. If you have an active directory environment you can configure a group policy with a startup and a shutdown-script.
In the startup script you can set the following registry keys to your internal wsus server:

Name or instead of the Name the IP adress and Port"
or instead of the Name the IP adress and Port"

And in the shutdown script you can configure these registry keys again but instead of your internal wsus server you have to set the microsoft update source in the internet (

DON'T FORGET: The wsus client don't use the proxy configuration of your internet explorer. If you have a proxy in your environment and you didn't set the winhttp proxy settings, then the wua client won't receive updates.
You can configure the winhttp proxy settings with the command "proxycfg -u". With "proxycfg -d" you delete these entries.
Type "proxycfg" and you will see your current configuration of the winhttp proxy configuration.
So maybe it will be necessary that you include theses proxy commands in your start- or shutdown-scripts.

Don't wonder if it takes some time, that the wua client will work successfully, because if you have to configure the winhttp proxy configuration, the wsus service have to be restartet and maybe this will be done after a reboot. 
To force your changes you can use following commands:
net stop wuauserv (stop the windows update service)
net start wuauserv (start the windows update service)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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