Montag, 30. August 2010

Change the save location of the offline files cache

this is not a new special feature in windows 7 but I think sometimes it makes sense to use this, the offline files cache.

If you work with files in a network share, sometimes you have the requirement that you can edit some files at home without a network connection to your company.

In this case you can make this files offline available. This is not pretty complicated, you do a right click on the file and click on "make available offline" if this feature is activated.

Imagine that you have a small system partition with 30 GB and a second partition with 130 GB (so a 160 GB hard disk).

If you would like to move the cache of the offline files to the second partition, you have to do these steps:

1. At first please synchronize all local files with the network, because after these steps your local cache will be deleted

2. Second you have to create a batch file with following content named ResetCache.bat:
REG ADD HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters /v FormatDatabase /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

This command will delete your local cache

3. Reboot your computer

4. Open the registry and add the following entry to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters
Type: REG_SZ
Name: CacheLocation
Value: \??\NEW CACHE LOCATION PATCH, e. g. \??\D:\CSC

5. Create the folder in your defined patch and reboot your computer

6. Synchronize the offline files and you will see, that your offline files will be stored in the new location

So long

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi, I am writing a blog on offline are welcome to visit it..

  2. sounds great, I'm sure that I'll visit your blog if I need some informations about this ;)
