Samstag, 4. September 2010

Install a new language for the MUI (Multilingual User Interface) in Windows 7

Hi at all,

in Windows 7 it's pretty easy to change the user interface to another language.
E. g. you have to support some clients in a different country with a language you don't speak.
So it would be very difficult to find the error or to give the user some tips.

Especially then it would be good if you are able to change the language to you mother tongue.

In Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate you can install new languages in the "Control Panel" - "Region and Languages" - then the register "Keyboards and Languages" (in this screen you see, that I have installed 2 lanuages):

There you can choose "Install/uninstall languages".

After you clicked this button you will be asked, if windows update should be launched or if you want to look on your computer or in the network for the language packs.

In my case I started windows update, choose the german language pack in the optional updates and installed this.

Finally you can choose in the region and languages windows which language should be used for your windows interface.

Note: You have to log off that this settings will be applied

Have fun

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